Company disclaimer

All data, trademarks, logos, images, short films, audio files, connections, and other data contained on this website (hereinafter referred to as "data") are for reference only. The Taolou Street Xinpan Information Platform will make changes to the information at any time and will be determined by this platform without further notice. Although our platform has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the data on this webpage, we do not expressly or implicitly guarantee that such data is accurate and error free. This platform will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions.


This platform shall not be liable for any compensation for any damages (including but not limited to computer viruses, system malfunctions, data losses) caused by the use or use of this webpage by any person. This webpage may connect to web pages provided by other institutions, but these web pages are not controlled by this platform. This platform has not made any warranties or assumed any responsibility for the content displayed on these web pages. If you browse these web pages, you will have to bear the consequences yourself.



All data on this site belongs to the exclusive property of this platform, affiliated platforms, and joint platforms, and is protected by intellectual property laws and rights (including but not limited to copyright protection laws). According to this law and rights, any unauthorized use of data constitutes infringement. Without the explicit consent of this platform, all or part of the data on this site may not be used, copied, sold, transmitted, modified, published, stored, or otherwise utilized for any purpose.


Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall this platform be liable for any loss or damage (whether based on contract, tort (including negligence) or other) incurred by you or any person due to direct or indirect access to or use of this website, and any products, information or services on this content.Aspect). Without limiting the generality of the above provisions and under any circumstances, this platform is not required to compensate for any collateral, special or corresponding damages of any kind caused by your access to or use of this website, including but not limited to loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other economic losses., Personal injury or death.


General compensation

You agree that if the platform incurs or suffers any loss, claim, legal liability, damage, demand, expense and expense (including all attorneys' fees) due to your violation of this disclaimer and/or use of this website or services or reasons, you will defend the platform and the Platform.Make compensation and protect the platform from damage.


Governing law

This disclaimer is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You agree to accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


Disclaimer update

With or without prior notice, the platform reserves the right to update this disclaimer at any time. Any changes will take effect immediately when they are posted on this website. Please be sure to check this disclaimer every time you visit this website. If you continue to use this website, it means that you agree to be bound by the revised disclaimer.

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